Celebrations As Worshippers Were Revived, Restored At SCOAN's Three-Day Revival

There was a THREE-DAY spiritual revival for Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN members ended at the weekend with crowd of members across Nigeria converging at its Prayer Mountain located at Agodo, Egbe Ikotun in Lagos. Though meant primarily for Nigerian audience, crowd of foreign visitors still besieged the Mountain in somber penitence of faith and high expectations. The intensive program which also ran through the nights was of marathon prayers and fasting as directed by the Holy Spirit for those who have the grace to participate. For the three days, the SCOAN Prayer Mountain was turned into a "Wailing Wall" reminiscence of the "Waling Wall" in Jerusalem where faithful adherents pay 24/7 to God. Thousands of worshippers in enthusiasm, ecstasy, walking, crying, rolling, and moving around in different ways of the spiritual resort as conducive for individual's ability to pour out their hearts and supplications to God in a serene, cool, composed, calm and c...